So in the "Does size matter?" blog, I mentioned that I'd been experimenting with penis enlargement techniques & that I'd comment on what I'd found.
There are all sorts of penis enlargement products on the internet. If you search around a bit for commentary, you'll see that most are, to say the least, suspect. However, a couple of years ago, I purchased one of those stretchers, on the basis that if you think of the ligaments which attach the penis to the pubic bone, increasing length should be possible (especially since I've read that doctors have been able to stretch people's legs, which also involves stretching bone - not quickly mind you, but over a period of years). In any event, I found the attaching strap to be a bit painful for the hours of use that were said to be required & so eventually purchased another model with a round rubber strap, which is a lot more comfortable to wear.
Unfortunately, wearing something of this nature also reduces your mobility, so much so in my case that I tore a muscle which attaches to the pubic bone when attempting to jump across a small ditch on a golf course. It was about two months before I recovered from that injury & somehow I never got back to using it again.
This February the thought crossed my mind again. Being hesitant to start using the stretching device again, I looked up a site I had come across a few years ago by the name of Thunders' Place. It's a forum for men involved in penis enlargement. I wasn't able to join the site when I originally came across it, as it had capacity limits, but those seem to have been solved & I was able to join. It has quite detailed exercise programs - and reports from thousands of members on their personal experiences & progress.
I started the exercises shortly thereafter - and about a week into the process came across a discussion on the site about the effectiveness of stretching devices. There was a comment from a member, who had obviously done a fair amount of research, that the devices do indeed work - and that you can expect 1/2" of increase in length for every 1000 hours of use. (I think you have to use it at least 8 hours a day to achieve that, as casual use is unlikely to have any effect, even if you keep it up for decades). So I dug out my stretcher and on Feb. 20th started using it for as much as I could each day. As a practical matter I found that I could manage 12 hours per day when not travelling, but only about 8 hours a day when my ladyfriend is in town (as it can leave you a bit sore & recovery time isn't instant). And I've since really not done a lot in the way of enlargement exercises, maybe once week for 5 minutes, but that's about it.
I'll comment on length gains a little further on, but the most immediate result was a noticeable increase in girth, which many members at Thunder's Place have commented on. It's an emotionally satisfying "quick win".
Which leads me to comment on the USA Today article in my previous blog - and to a reaction I had when I saw an older man at a sauna in Sacramento a few months ago. Although he had a reasonably long penis, there was something unexciting about it. It was because it was thin. It could be that thin just isn't "male". I'm not sure. But it may be a corollary to the finding in the USA Today article that anything over 3" in length will do .
As to gaining length, I'll measure on May 20th, being 90 days (and about 1000 hours of usage) after my start on Feb. 20. I expect that it'll be a little short of the predicted 1/2" increase (although I'm already about 3/4" longer when in the stretcher). The increase in girth is most noticeable - and that's very satisfying.
Thoughts on just about everything from (an otherwise quite straight) semi-retired professional and international traveller who has had lifelong fixations on cunnilingus, foreskin and fellatio. Comments from passers-by are most welcome.
Ready for action with HKG
Took this photo with me in it as a mistake when HKG was posing
Monday, 13 May 2013
Does size matter?
There was article on this subject in USA Today a short while back. Here's the link:
And just in case the link expires, here's the article:
So much for that nice smile and neat haircut -- women are indeed looking for a well-endowed guy, suggests an Australian study of male attractiveness.
Since Darwin, biologists have studied the role of female "mate choice" in species ranging from fruit flies to people, generally finding a fondness among women for taller guys with broader shoulders. Evolutionary biologists have also pointed to the relatively-larger size of human male genitalia compared to our ape cousins to suggest a link there as well.
On the question of whether "size matters" to human women, however, the results have been mixed. Until now, suggests a team led by biologist Brian Mautz, of the University of Ottawa, Canada, in a study published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
"The big message is that that penis size does matter for attractiveness," Mautz says. "It does interact with height and shoulders though, so it matters more to taller guys that to shorter ones."
In the study, the researchers showed a series of life-size cut-out images of variously-sized men viewed by 105 heterosexual Australian women ages 18 to 53. The women, who stood about 20 feet away from a movie screen to watch and rate videos depicting 343 varied male outlines in a non-aroused state, were told only that the study was measuring "male attractiveness." They also rated taller and more broad-shouldered men as more attractive, as in past studies, but being well-endowed mattered almost as much as height in the new study.
"It is a pretty unusual study, but sex and behavior are important parts of evolution for any species, so the results are worth noting," says evolutionary biologist Wyatt Anderson of the University of Georgia in Athens, who led the review of the study for the journal. "It was a well-controlled study and the reviewers all agreed with the conclusions they reported."
The attractiveness results, however, stopped increasing as fast past a certain length, about 3 inches, the study reports, supporting the idea that the results may have been more a matter of pleasing proportional size in the most attractive masculine shapes, Mautz says. "This is a first-time study, so we should be cautious."
"Another possibility is that females use previous sexual experiences to infer a link between penis size and (an orgasm)," the study added. However they didn't see a connection between a woman's age and the preference, which would argue against that conclusion.
The study authors acknowledge that modern culture may have played a role in what the women rated as attractive, but they also suggest that a preference for the well-endowed may have played a role in the evolution of the human male in prehistory. People have been wearing clothing for about 170,000 years, studies suggest.
One option for a future study would be to run the cut-outs by women from non-Western cultures, to see if they rate men the same, Mautz says.
"It's true that people have culture and it is very difficult to disentangle the effects of culture from evolution, but that doesn't mean that evolution isn't happening," says University of Minnesota professor Marlene Zuk, author of Paleofantasy: What Evolution Really Tells Us about Sex, Diet, and How We Live. "Absolutely there are limitations on the study, it isn't the final word, but it does point to evolution having an effect on humans."
"It certainly is a weakness of the study that we can't go back in time and see how it all played out," Mautz says. "The study also doesn't say anything about what women would find attractive in the future either."
I was most intrigued to read that anything over 3" will do...well, that's not quite what it says, but you get the idea.
I've been experimenting with penis enlargement techniques and will report in my next blog on my experiences.
And just in case the link expires, here's the article:
So much for that nice smile and neat haircut -- women are indeed looking for a well-endowed guy, suggests an Australian study of male attractiveness.
Since Darwin, biologists have studied the role of female "mate choice" in species ranging from fruit flies to people, generally finding a fondness among women for taller guys with broader shoulders. Evolutionary biologists have also pointed to the relatively-larger size of human male genitalia compared to our ape cousins to suggest a link there as well.
On the question of whether "size matters" to human women, however, the results have been mixed. Until now, suggests a team led by biologist Brian Mautz, of the University of Ottawa, Canada, in a study published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
"The big message is that that penis size does matter for attractiveness," Mautz says. "It does interact with height and shoulders though, so it matters more to taller guys that to shorter ones."
In the study, the researchers showed a series of life-size cut-out images of variously-sized men viewed by 105 heterosexual Australian women ages 18 to 53. The women, who stood about 20 feet away from a movie screen to watch and rate videos depicting 343 varied male outlines in a non-aroused state, were told only that the study was measuring "male attractiveness." They also rated taller and more broad-shouldered men as more attractive, as in past studies, but being well-endowed mattered almost as much as height in the new study.
"It is a pretty unusual study, but sex and behavior are important parts of evolution for any species, so the results are worth noting," says evolutionary biologist Wyatt Anderson of the University of Georgia in Athens, who led the review of the study for the journal. "It was a well-controlled study and the reviewers all agreed with the conclusions they reported."
The attractiveness results, however, stopped increasing as fast past a certain length, about 3 inches, the study reports, supporting the idea that the results may have been more a matter of pleasing proportional size in the most attractive masculine shapes, Mautz says. "This is a first-time study, so we should be cautious."
"Another possibility is that females use previous sexual experiences to infer a link between penis size and (an orgasm)," the study added. However they didn't see a connection between a woman's age and the preference, which would argue against that conclusion.
The study authors acknowledge that modern culture may have played a role in what the women rated as attractive, but they also suggest that a preference for the well-endowed may have played a role in the evolution of the human male in prehistory. People have been wearing clothing for about 170,000 years, studies suggest.
One option for a future study would be to run the cut-outs by women from non-Western cultures, to see if they rate men the same, Mautz says.
"It's true that people have culture and it is very difficult to disentangle the effects of culture from evolution, but that doesn't mean that evolution isn't happening," says University of Minnesota professor Marlene Zuk, author of Paleofantasy: What Evolution Really Tells Us about Sex, Diet, and How We Live. "Absolutely there are limitations on the study, it isn't the final word, but it does point to evolution having an effect on humans."
"It certainly is a weakness of the study that we can't go back in time and see how it all played out," Mautz says. "The study also doesn't say anything about what women would find attractive in the future either."
I was most intrigued to read that anything over 3" will do...well, that's not quite what it says, but you get the idea.
I've been experimenting with penis enlargement techniques and will report in my next blog on my experiences.
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