Ready for action with HKG

Ready for action with HKG
Took this photo with me in it as a mistake when HKG was posing

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Travel thoughts/advice

In an earlier post I had bemoaned the fact that there's no travel advice available that's really targeted at the non-gay traveller (e.g. the otherwise straight solitary cocksucker who seeks his excitement in dimly lit public washrooms...i.e. people like me).......and no readers have volunteered anything further. So I thought maybe I should offer a bit of my own.
A daunting task really.
I've been to so many places (about 50 countries at last count), some worthwhile, most not - at least for the sort of activity I get up to that is.........cultural, gastronomic, scenic & historical attractions notwithstanding.
If any of you out there are planning on travelling, drop me a note as to where you're going & I'll offer up whatever I know. Almost all of my experience has been in countries where the men are uncut, but I've travelled a lot elsewhere and have some experience in seeking out the uncut sub-groups (e.g. the Mexicans in Southern California).
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Thursday, 20 December 2012

Pretending you're here for another reason

This is kind of a corollary to my "Nobody Talks" posting.
There's a large percentage of the men hanging around obvious spots, whether it be the public washrooms in Eastern Europe or certain sections of public parks here, who pretend that they're there for some other reason. I'm not sure why that is. I mean we all know why we're there - and while I can appreciate not advertising it, avoiding all recognisance, even to the extent of polite conversation, does seem a little excessive. It's perhaps made more noticeable because some men will exchange comments on what's doing further down certain trails, how much action there was yesterday, the best days & times, etc., while others won't even respond to a polite "Good Day".
I'm not sure what's operating here....or why it continues to amaze or bother me.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Cocksucking miscellany - urge, taste of uncut cock, women, etc., etc.

Sometimes I have zero interest & at others it keeps me awake most of the night...planning a trip I've always wanted to take to Kiev, that sort of thing. I don't know why it comes & goes.

About the time I was moving back from Eastern Europe I did a mental calc. of how many I'd had over my life. Having started before puberty (no, I don't know why either) and it having been an on & off kind of thing, it was obviously quite a rough estimate.  Let's see, roughly 1.5 each Saturday & Sunday from 2000 to 2004, very rough estimates for all those preceding erratic years....and so on.
I was somewhat bemused when I toted it all up & it came to 888....and there's been a number since then, but again, erratic.

Somehow I ended up on some Q&A sites recently discussing - or at least asking about -  taste. It's difficult to give a definitive answer, especially since I only do uncut (& I'm quite conscious of health & hygiene), but in my experience it can vary from mild Gorgonzola to salty, but not much else. I think a lot depends on diet....but that's not a very scientific observation, as I usually don't have them fill out a questionnaire.

Have I ever had good blow job from a woman? Well, not nearly as good as I or another man can deliver. But then a woman doesn't have much to go on....and very few women are all that desirous for the experience in the first place. I did have an Argentinian/Hungarian ladyfriend a few years back who seemed insatiable after a few glasses of wine, but, like most women, she wasn't all that skilled. My friend HKG (there's photo of her in action somewhere here) is desirous, but she's a little hesitant to let herself go.
I can usually get off when cocksucking (& when pussy-licking), but I've never had a woman reach that height.

Does size matter? Yes, contrary to the popular image of what constitutes maleness, I think large is actually less satisfying. If I can't keep moist lips lightly pursed around it, I'm not all that effective - or interested. When it works well, they're hard as a rock & come in about a minute - and so do I.
Of course, the "rush" leading up to it is a really big factor for me - probably for them too.
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Saturday, 3 November 2012

At cross purposes

So I pulled into the Boundary Road parking lot at Central Park last Sunday afternoon....and a fellow in a pick-up truck rolled down his window as I drove by - so I circled back & parked nearby. He seemed to express some further interest, so I walked over & engaged him in conversation (he was in his fifties, Latin American - so I was pretty sure he'd be uncut He was obviously scrupulously clean - a prime candidate)...."Everyone here seems to have dark windows & doesn't realise that it's difficult to see inside......are you married.......not much happening here today.......oh, you're from El Salvador - any El Salvadorian restaurants in the city?", etc. etc.,.
Eventually I said "So, if you're interested........"
To which he replied "Interested, interested in what?" To which I thought I should be direct, so I said "Interested in getting sucked off."
I could have knocked him over with a feather. He was almost speechless. The whole conversation was at cross purposes.
As I thought about it later, it's true, all of these sorts of conversations are a bit of a dance & do take place in code.....but what was he thinking was happening.....and why did he seem to express an interest in my presence?
I'll never know.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Travel information deficit

Not much of a burst of creativity in coming up with the title for this post, but it's an issue that has been at the back of my mind for some time.
In other posts I've mentioned that I've used the listings to locate likely spots (e.g. the toilets in Hong Kong), but really and all of the similar sites that purport to carry travel info. for the traveller are really targeted at the "gay" male, which I'm not. And most of the men I've met with similar interests to mine aren't either.
All of which is a long preamble to a request to any readers who know of sites targeted at "our interests", I'd appreciate a referral .
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Thursday, 13 September 2012

In retrospect, firmly under the "stupid" category

When you're sexually hyperactive, you do quite a number of very foolish things, almost always realising that after the fact.
Somehow a discussion with my new nanny friend led me to recollect an occasion in Hong Kong a number of years back when I got picked up at a bar in Wan Chai by a Filipino woman who was about to entertain three Austrian tourists and thought it might be fun to add a fourth.
We all ended up in one of the other fellow's rooms, conveniently enough in the same hotel I was staying at. Since I was also a pussy licker, I serviced her in between courses, and, along with the fellow whose room it was, stayed the night to do the same in the middle of the night and again in the morning. The other men were uncut, so the whole experience was along the lines of the Straight to Hell article of many years ago titled "Blue Cheese For Lunch".
How I dodged that bullet is beyond me. Inexplicably enough, I consider myself otherwise intelligent.

My latest diversions

All I have so far is a photo of my new Chinese nanny friend fully clothed  - not the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen, but suitably desirous. Photos in the buff in due course if I can get them.
She only has about 8 hours a week off, so I need to work fast, especially since the stars have to line up so that it's on a day when my ladyfriend is away. Fortunately she is most co-operative.

I recently put in a Craigslist posting for an older female friend, noting that I'm "partially attached". Predictably, many women were horrified at the thought - and felt obliged to write to so inform me - but I do have a 55 year old Philipino woman who's interested. My ladyfriend is in town, so it'll be a week or so before I can meet her. And we'll see where that goes.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Drawing a blank - actually, a number of blanks

So my Craigslist posting to locate a soulmate has been fruitless (no pun intended).
Even though I put a very clear statement upfront that I was looking for a fellow aficionado (i.e someone who is also an anonymous cocksucker) to swap stories & buddy around with, all I attracted were those looking for a "relationship". Presumably their thinking was that I didn't really mean what I said. Well, I did mean it. So after five separate meetings over coffee, I have (temporarily at least) given up. I may pick it up again in a few weeks or months.
In the meantime I'm preoccupied with the Chinese nanny of one of my friends. She's sex starved....and I'm only there to help. Photos of her in few weeks if I can get her to pose. Keeping my ladyfriend out of the know also being a high priority. More on this adventure in another post.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Sometimes the "solitary" aspect of this solitary pursuit gets to me.
So the other day I put a post on Craigslist "Seeking an orally inclined hang-out buddy". I'm not sure if it was the idea of having someone to go on cocksucking expeditions with, or just to have someone to swap stories with, but there is a void I'd like to fill.
So far, I've had only one reply.
We'll meet for coffee & see where it goes.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Nobody talks

I'm not sure if that's what it is - or that they have nothing to tell, but it struck me over the years (in eastern Europe as well as here) that it's very unlikely that you'll get anyone to talk about what they do, where they do it....or even exactly what it is they're looking for.
I recollect an incident about 10 years ago in Moscow here I asked another fellow hanging around the toilets near the Taganskaya Metro (whom I took to be a kindred spirit) whether there were any other good spots in the city. I had already staked out 3 or 4 others (being the ones at the railway stations), but, given my seemingly insatiable appetite, was keen on finding out if there were others. At first he pretended not to understand what I was asking about. My Russian wasn't entirely fluent, but I know that I had been reasonably explicit, so I rephrased it slightly and he replied (eventually) that he didn't know of any other public toilets in the city.
His answer bordered on the preposterous and it struck me as being typical of the replies I get from most other men that I strike up conversations with in similar circumstances. Firstly, they pretend not to know what you're referring to, then they claim not to know of anywhere else - and having listened to everything they do have to say, you're none the wiser.
I've had similar experiences here, twice recently in a heavily wooded area at one of the large public parks where all of us there are either looking to suck or be sucked - I mean there's no other reason to be there - it's not as though you're hanging around there waiting for your wife to finish shopping - or that I look like I might be an undercover cop.
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Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Care to comment?

Since I started this site I've had tons of page views,.....but absolutely no comments. And from my tour of similar sites, that strikes me as odd. So I'm wondering if anyone would care to comment on the absence of comments?

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Objectum sexuality?

Below is an article by Rod Liddle from today's (U.K.) Sunday Times.
I found it interesting, not only because of the concept of objectum sexuality - and human behaviour never ceases to fascinate me - but also because of its similarity to my own  sexual fixation in that I have no sexual attraction to men, other than for cocksucking.
And how often one sees a statue where the penis has obviously been handled by passersby?


"Some good news for a change: a young lady called Reighner Deleighnie has at last found the man of her dreams. The carer, from London, has fallen for a small marble statue of the god Adonis, and spends every day talking to it and fondling it. She has even given it a new name - Hans. I'm not sure how Greek gods feel about being given German names these days, but there we are."
"Deleighnie suffers from a condition called objectum sexuality, whereby people, usually women, become romantically attached to objects. Other cases include a Swedish woman who married a fence and a Californian woman who fell for a large tower, married it and is consequently now known as Erika Eiffel. And of course, there's Sally Bercow." *
*for those outside the UK, she is the tall, Labour-supporting wife of John Bercow MP, the short, Conservative Speaker of the House of Commons (he had to give up his party allegiance on becoming Speaker). She is constantly doing things which embarrass her husband, such as being photographed wearing only a sheet and appearing on I'm a celebrity get me out of here.

Friday, 9 March 2012

A matter of taste...."one man's meat is"....& related thoughts

I had a friend whose wife used to service the drivers from the German embassy - and when she was done for the evening, he'd be given the privilege of eating her pussy. For the longest time, I couldn't get my mind around how that could possibly be appealing...and it's difficult to see my own behaviour from anything other than my own vantage point. But somehow I got to thinking about it the other day....and I thought "How's that really much different from what I've been up to over the years?" Really, it isn't.
I think it depends on what your fantasies are - and how horny you are at the time. I can come when sucking someone off (from the adrenalin rush?). However, I think in his case it was also a fantasy of subjugation, which perhaps she enjoyed as well.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Toilet sex in Hong Kong - not

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Just back from a week in Hong Kong - sex addiction sated?

Sated for the moment perhaps, but I expect not for long.

I arrived early on a Tuesday morning and, after a long hot shower, decided to strike out to several of the local public washrooms near my hotel in Sheung Wan.
On the flight of stairs up to Hollywood Road, I passed a young Asian woman (it turns out she is Indonesian & 33 - see photo below) who wished me Happy New Year. I turned to look back at her, as she did to me....and soon had invited her for coffee - and she agreed to meet me a few minutes later after she took her groceries home.
It was about 15 minutes into our conversation over coffee that I realised that she had told me three times that she had to be back home by 5 pm. It then dawned on me what she might be implying - and took appropriate action.
Some days I'm slower than others.

I have few other Filipino friends who live there (all work as domestic helpers - as with the Indonesian woman above). The one below was so horny that she paid no attention to being photographed.

They all work at least 6 days a week and are suitably sex starved. So it does make for an erotic time.
Unfortunately, the only day they're reliably off is Sunday - and fitting in more than one a day just doesn't work.
The Indonesian woman on a weekday afternoon was just a lucky hit.