In any city there are never enough public washrooms.
On this particular day I and about a dozen other men were in the toilet just outside the Taganskaya Metro station in Moscow, all seemingly having found the place about half an hour later than we'd wished, standing at the urinals relieving ourselves.
Was that a pair of high heels & a woman's voice I heard coming down the steps?
As I tuned to look, there was a very well dressed woman, probably in her late thirties, holding the hand of a 5 or 6 year old boy. She took no notice of us & proceeded to march him up to the urinals where she assisted him in undoing his fly. And when he was finished, she marched him out.
Needless to say, everyone had backed away from the urinals and stood in disbelief at what they were watching. Like many public places in Moscow, not a word was spoken....but the looks we exchanged afterwards clearly said "what the fuck was that about?"
Thoughts on just about everything from (an otherwise quite straight) semi-retired professional and international traveller who has had lifelong fixations on cunnilingus, foreskin and fellatio. Comments from passers-by are most welcome.
Ready for action with HKG
Took this photo with me in it as a mistake when HKG was posing
Monday, 26 December 2011
Friday, 23 December 2011
Does it really matter?
The answer to that question is "Like many things, it depends".
But apart from that debate, it is amazing how long it can take the penny to drop. In my case, about 66 years. Not that I've really been thinking about it since birth, but you get the drift.
In any event, when I was in Prague & Vienna a month or so ago - and doing my usual surreptitious tour of the public toilets looking for action - I started thinking about why so many men on display had large cocks. Was it just a case of they were likely to be more willing to display what they had - or perhaps that men at the other end of the spectrum wouldn't be willing to do the same?
It came together as a solidified thought when I came across a man at the toilets on the lower level of a mall (the Palladium?) in Prague. Although I wasn't interested in sucking him off (I like something with foreskin over the head when it's erect), when I came back several hours later, he was still at the urinals & still had an erection. It dawned on me that what he and many others were doing was long-term jelquing....and proving that it works.
Funny how long it took me to come to that realisation.
For those of you interested, a really good site that doesn't hard sell you something is at:
The answer to that question is "Like many things, it depends".
But apart from that debate, it is amazing how long it can take the penny to drop. In my case, about 66 years. Not that I've really been thinking about it since birth, but you get the drift.
In any event, when I was in Prague & Vienna a month or so ago - and doing my usual surreptitious tour of the public toilets looking for action - I started thinking about why so many men on display had large cocks. Was it just a case of they were likely to be more willing to display what they had - or perhaps that men at the other end of the spectrum wouldn't be willing to do the same?
It came together as a solidified thought when I came across a man at the toilets on the lower level of a mall (the Palladium?) in Prague. Although I wasn't interested in sucking him off (I like something with foreskin over the head when it's erect), when I came back several hours later, he was still at the urinals & still had an erection. It dawned on me that what he and many others were doing was long-term jelquing....and proving that it works.
Funny how long it took me to come to that realisation.
For those of you interested, a really good site that doesn't hard sell you something is at:
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Disconnects - and some corollaries
An interesting term that probably applies to numerous subjects....but which fascinates me in terms of human behaviour & perception, especially as it relates to sex.
It's a given that most men are preoccupied with sex, at least in terms of the amount of time they spend thinking about it. Like Woody Allen, they imagine themselves having it with every second woman they lay eyes on. And while they expect women to be gorgeous and edible, they don't make the connection between their appearance & hygiene and what a woman might find alluring.
A number of years back, in a discussion that somehow related to this observation, I once suggested to my (now ex) wife the concept of an "oral sex test", which worked as follows:
We were sitting in a family restaurant at the time & I asked how long it might take each of us to identify five members of the opposite sex we'd be willing (albeit perhaps not interested) to perform oral sex on. She quickly responded that I'd win hands down every time, mainly because very few men coming into the place were at all edible. She then went on to observe that it was an amazing disconnect that applied to 99+% of the men she had ever met.
It set me to thinking about it. And of course it applies to women in different ways - and to all of us in many other aspects of our lives. In women, though, it's perhaps slightly more subtle.
Just walk into the main floor of any major department store, and what do you see first? Dozens of counters marketing cosmetics and beauty products.
Quite apart from the fact that I've never heard a man comment on a woman's make-up, other than perhaps sarcastically, most women spend hours and large sums of money making themselves physically attractive (usually missing the mark by forgetting about the role that fitness plays in the equation) and then being affronted when a man takes a very physical interest in them. "I want him to be interested in me as a person" is the sort of refrain I associate with the average (at least Caucasian) female.
And some corollaries:
It's a given that most men are preoccupied with sex, at least in terms of the amount of time they spend thinking about it. Like Woody Allen, they imagine themselves having it with every second woman they lay eyes on. And while they expect women to be gorgeous and edible, they don't make the connection between their appearance & hygiene and what a woman might find alluring.
A number of years back, in a discussion that somehow related to this observation, I once suggested to my (now ex) wife the concept of an "oral sex test", which worked as follows:
We were sitting in a family restaurant at the time & I asked how long it might take each of us to identify five members of the opposite sex we'd be willing (albeit perhaps not interested) to perform oral sex on. She quickly responded that I'd win hands down every time, mainly because very few men coming into the place were at all edible. She then went on to observe that it was an amazing disconnect that applied to 99+% of the men she had ever met.
Just walk into the main floor of any major department store, and what do you see first? Dozens of counters marketing cosmetics and beauty products.
Quite apart from the fact that I've never heard a man comment on a woman's make-up, other than perhaps sarcastically, most women spend hours and large sums of money making themselves physically attractive (usually missing the mark by forgetting about the role that fitness plays in the equation) and then being affronted when a man takes a very physical interest in them. "I want him to be interested in me as a person" is the sort of refrain I associate with the average (at least Caucasian) female.
And some corollaries:
- The less attractive a woman is, the more concerned she will be about the possibility of being "bothered by men" when she travels.
- The less attractive a woman is, the more difficult she will be to pick up.
Thursday, 24 November 2011
A compartmentalized life
"A compartmentalized life"....another phrase from my close friend which encapsulates my existence.
It's interesting how I've learned to cope with it and become quite socially adept at the same time.
When I took the Dale Carnegie course many years ago, one of the first things I learned was to ask questions. It works exceeding well for a number of reasons, the main two being that people love talking about themselves & their interests - and, perhaps even more importantly, you learn a lot more when you listen than when you talk. As well, it eats up time & diverts attention from yourself. And that's important when a lot of what you've been up to isn't all that socially acceptable.
I've noticed that trait developing in one of my daughters over the last few years - and I'm sure the reason isn't genetic
It's interesting how I've learned to cope with it and become quite socially adept at the same time.
When I took the Dale Carnegie course many years ago, one of the first things I learned was to ask questions. It works exceeding well for a number of reasons, the main two being that people love talking about themselves & their interests - and, perhaps even more importantly, you learn a lot more when you listen than when you talk. As well, it eats up time & diverts attention from yourself. And that's important when a lot of what you've been up to isn't all that socially acceptable.
I've noticed that trait developing in one of my daughters over the last few years - and I'm sure the reason isn't genetic
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Protocol at the urinals
This posting is likely to be a rambling work in progress for some time.
Where to start?.....well the overwhelming majority of my sexual activity with other men has come from contact in public washrooms (toilets to most non-North Americans). That's given me the opportunity to see a vast range of behaviors. It's also given me the opportunity to form a view on what works & what doesn't - and commenting on that is what I started this post to do.
An example of what doesn't work was brought home to me a couple of weeks ago in a washroom at one of the Underground stations in Vienna (I recollect that it was Stubentor). I had arranged for a few hours alone from my ladyfriend and, my listing of target sites from in hand, I headed straight to the Underground network. My first stop was a bust, but as soon as I walked up to the urinals at this particular station, I found exactly what I was looking for. And how often does that happen in your life?. Since there were only two of us there and I could see that I would get ample warning of anyone who entered, within less than a minute I was sucking him off. He came almost immediately. Although it was a little too brief, it did bring back memories of years in the toilets of Eastern Europe.
So the next day I returned to see what else might be available. It was busy, mostly with men displaying themselves to each other, but not much else happening. In fact, one of the men was walking around displaying his rather large erection individually to each of the other men - and getting no response. But that didn't deter him. He was a prime example of someone who doesn't see the protocol involved.
So what is the protocol? I suppose it varies by culture, but in most countries (& I've been to about 50), it's one of subtle understatement. While you may display yourself at the urinal you're standing at, you do it in a way that isn't overtly noticeable to anyone who isn't looking - and you only engage with someone who extends a visual invitation to you. My best lessons in this came from my years in Eastern Europe. Like most countries in which the men are uncircumcised, there is a lot of oral sex in the public toilets. But they're also homophobic societies - and since most people don't like to get beaten up, they learn how to behave accordingly.
To be continued.....
Where to start?.....well the overwhelming majority of my sexual activity with other men has come from contact in public washrooms (toilets to most non-North Americans). That's given me the opportunity to see a vast range of behaviors. It's also given me the opportunity to form a view on what works & what doesn't - and commenting on that is what I started this post to do.
An example of what doesn't work was brought home to me a couple of weeks ago in a washroom at one of the Underground stations in Vienna (I recollect that it was Stubentor). I had arranged for a few hours alone from my ladyfriend and, my listing of target sites from in hand, I headed straight to the Underground network. My first stop was a bust, but as soon as I walked up to the urinals at this particular station, I found exactly what I was looking for. And how often does that happen in your life?. Since there were only two of us there and I could see that I would get ample warning of anyone who entered, within less than a minute I was sucking him off. He came almost immediately. Although it was a little too brief, it did bring back memories of years in the toilets of Eastern Europe.
So the next day I returned to see what else might be available. It was busy, mostly with men displaying themselves to each other, but not much else happening. In fact, one of the men was walking around displaying his rather large erection individually to each of the other men - and getting no response. But that didn't deter him. He was a prime example of someone who doesn't see the protocol involved.
So what is the protocol? I suppose it varies by culture, but in most countries (& I've been to about 50), it's one of subtle understatement. While you may display yourself at the urinal you're standing at, you do it in a way that isn't overtly noticeable to anyone who isn't looking - and you only engage with someone who extends a visual invitation to you. My best lessons in this came from my years in Eastern Europe. Like most countries in which the men are uncircumcised, there is a lot of oral sex in the public toilets. But they're also homophobic societies - and since most people don't like to get beaten up, they learn how to behave accordingly.
To be continued.....
Topics for future blogs
Here's my current list - comments are invited:
Protocol at the urinals
Disconnects - female and male behaviors
Overt & covert promiscuity
Bizarre experiences
Protocol at the urinals
Disconnects - female and male behaviors
Overt & covert promiscuity
Bizarre experiences
Sunday, 30 October 2011
How did you find this blog?
I haven't yet figured out how to effectively search blog sites for topics of interest.
Although I've read the "help" topics & related articles on blog searching, when I search I get a lot of flotsam & jetsam (incl. a lot of commercial sites) and I can't even find my own site on a targeted I'd appreciate it if passers-by would leave me a brief note as to how they came across this site.
Many thanks.
Although I've read the "help" topics & related articles on blog searching, when I search I get a lot of flotsam & jetsam (incl. a lot of commercial sites) and I can't even find my own site on a targeted I'd appreciate it if passers-by would leave me a brief note as to how they came across this site.
Many thanks.
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Some initial thoughts on setting up this blog
At this stage I suppose that I'm writing to myself....but, in time, hopefully to others with similar interests.
As it says in the General Description, I'm a semi-retired professional (& otherwise quite straight) who has traveled extensively internationally (& continues to do so) - accompanied by a lifelong interest in performing fellatio on uncircumcised (& also otherwise quite straight) men...and in performing cunnilingus on any attractive woman who is interested (& this is an even tougher group to identify).
I have a close friend who's the only other person who knows of my interest in fellatio, which he once described as "a solitary pursuit" - and hence the title of this blog site.
Since my interests are broader than foreskin, fellatio and cunnilingus, I'll most likely frequently comment & muse on other matters, from running a professional art & what makes people just about everything else in the world around me.
Of course, the question arises (at least in my mind) as to why I'm taking the time to write about all these topics. I've lived most of my life without communicating on my sexual activities (especially those involving other men), but I do spend a lot of time thinking about them - and if I set out my thoughts, perhaps I'll generate comments from passers-by - and then some interesting discussion might ensue.
And if I'm doing all this, then why not comment on anything else I find of interest?
We'll see what happens....and whether I'll end up writing without bracketed inserts.
As it says in the General Description, I'm a semi-retired professional (& otherwise quite straight) who has traveled extensively internationally (& continues to do so) - accompanied by a lifelong interest in performing fellatio on uncircumcised (& also otherwise quite straight) men...and in performing cunnilingus on any attractive woman who is interested (& this is an even tougher group to identify).
I have a close friend who's the only other person who knows of my interest in fellatio, which he once described as "a solitary pursuit" - and hence the title of this blog site.
Since my interests are broader than foreskin, fellatio and cunnilingus, I'll most likely frequently comment & muse on other matters, from running a professional art & what makes people just about everything else in the world around me.
Of course, the question arises (at least in my mind) as to why I'm taking the time to write about all these topics. I've lived most of my life without communicating on my sexual activities (especially those involving other men), but I do spend a lot of time thinking about them - and if I set out my thoughts, perhaps I'll generate comments from passers-by - and then some interesting discussion might ensue.
And if I'm doing all this, then why not comment on anything else I find of interest?
We'll see what happens....and whether I'll end up writing without bracketed inserts.
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