Ready for action with HKG

Ready for action with HKG
Took this photo with me in it as a mistake when HKG was posing

Friday 27 May 2016

Blog views by real people

I'm not exactly an expert on how to differentiate between blog views by real people & those by automated servers pinging websites for some undetermined reason, but from the lack of reader comments over the past year, in spite of an increase in traffic, I'm beginning to suspect that real live readers are few & far between.
Since the purpose in setting up this blog was to provide myself with an anonymous outlet for my musings (& a few of my archived photos), that probably isn't a big issue.
Having said that, I would be interested in the views of anyone who comes across this site as to how to differentiate between real readers and automated pinging.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Pussy versus cunt

So I finally managed a photo of my Japanese ladyfriend

...and it struck me how different pussy (being her) is from cunt (being my ex) - below.

On the other hand, here's one of an ex ladyfriend, a young Chinese woman, who was a bit of both.

And an Indian woman I met in Hong Kong last year. She was a pussy who wanted to be a cunt - a version of my ex who hadn't yet really acted on it.

A Filipina friend (also in Hong Kong) who would bring back other men and have me watch and photograph. A really strange relationship as I reflect on it now, but so erotic at the time.

As I look at these photos, labia size does seem to influence my assessment - as did their behaviors, including their willingness to pose for these photos!

And finally, here's one an earlier Korean ladyfriend proudly showed me one day after returning from a flight to Seoul:

She was quite open with me about being sexually active - and, being a stewardess, that seemingly came with the territory. When I asked who'd taken the photo, she replied "One of his helpers"....and let me inhale the evidence - like a very strong Roquefort. Although this is something I'd enjoyed before, it was the first time I'd seen a photo of the source.

Monday 28 December 2015

Double foreskin - so I feel (sort of) vindicated

A number of years ago, during one of my expeditions to the large public toilets at Yaroslasvky Vauxhall in Moscow, I was crouched in one of the toilets about to suck off a lucky traveler. As I slid back his foreskin, to my amazement there was another (thinner) foreskin underneath.
Over the years I've mentioned this phenomenon to several other fellow travelers, always drawing skeptical responses.
Today, I accidentally came across this photo on Tumblr. It's not exactly the same, but I do feel vindicated....and I do wish I'd come across another, preferably in real life.

As an unrelated matter, I came across this photo somewhere on the internet the other day. 
It reminded me rather vividly of a very good friend whom my ex and I enjoyed having stay over. Being into fermented semen, the next morning provided me with a difficult choice. Fortunately, she usually slept in & woke to provide me with a second course of "ripe cheese for breakfast" - and then with very sloppy seconds for him. 

Saturday 7 March 2015

Cocksucking at the Tseun Wan public toilet today

I went to Tseun Wan yesterday & found a large public toilet by one of the walled garden parks Unfortunately, there wasn't anything on display of great interest. So I headed back there again early this afternoon - and there was plenty to choose from.

Here's the Google Maps image:!1s0x3403f8ed1731203d:0xa578882c13e6a998!2m22!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m16!1b1!2m2!1m1!1e1!2m2!1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!2m2!1m1!1e6!3m1!7e115!4s//!5sTsuen+Wan+public+toilet+-+Google+Search&imagekey=!1e2!2sQtDrMAOCxHddWLkfJmzKxg

It's at 67 Tseun Wan Market Street and in front of a walled local garden/public park.

Having almost no Mandarin or Cantonese and it being a very Chinese area, I had to make do with some fairly subtle gestures. However, it didn't take much in the way of signaling or encouragement when I spotted what I was looking for, being a reasonably discreet, middle-aged man with a lot of foreskin. He followed me into a private stall - and after some very brief foreplay, I slid back his foreskin with my lips. He obviously found it very erotic....and was done in about 30 seconds.
I went back to the urinals briefly, but didn't find anything of real interest. 
And I do have HKG here again tonight - so I need to conserve my energy.

Sunday 1 March 2015

$10K to suck uncut Chinese men?

Am off to Hong Kong in a couple of days - and will be there for 10 days or so.
It's mostly on business, but anyway you look at it, the cost is about $10K (bus. class airfare, stay in a decent hotel, etc., etc.).
In addition to taking care of business & spending two nights with HKG, whose revealing photo headlines this blog, I intend to spend some time at the toilet just outside the public gardens at Tseun Wan (see "Toilet sex in Hong Kong - & paydirt this time" from Feb./14).
Assuming not much has changed in terms of patrons, I should be well sated. I also hope to get some good photos - don't phones make that a whole lot easier than it used to be? But of course it depends a lot on the available lighting (using a flash would invite a lot of unwelcome attention) and the cultural predisposition of the locals to being photographed.

On a subject that's somehow related to sucking uncut Chinese cock, which admittedly, is an acquired taste, see also:
One of my unfulfilled daydreams is to have a dinner party with a cheese & smegma course, where my guests could sample a selection of red wines with various nationalities of uncut cock.

If anyone has any comments or special requests, send them along.

Monday 19 January 2015

I'm still very much around!

I just realised that it's been quite some time since I posted.....and thought I should let my readers know that indeed I'm still around. I've been distracted with quite a number of business & family issues and haven't been as active or reflective as I've been in the past. But things are starting to settle down. I hope to get to the UK next month & to Hong Kong in March. HKG (who has the feature picture on this site) is actively awaiting my arrival & hopefully I'll have a few photos I can post. I also hope to have time to get to the Tsuen Wan- and we'll see what action might be available - and that will be a different experience for sure.
Any requests or suggestions, please leave a note.

Monday 24 February 2014

Toilet sex in Hong Kong - & paydirt this time

There's some action in a few of the toilets, but it's sporadic, unpredictable - and somehow not all that alluring.

Last Saturday I had yet another look at the toilets just above Hollywood Road in Sheung Wan.
There were a few men coming & going, but nothing of interest. I did speak with a young man there who was obviously gay (i.e. not at all what I'm looking for), but he was pleasantly forthcoming about what goes on, when the action usually is and all those topics that's it's difficult to engage other fellow loiterers about.
I asked him if the washroom attendant ever bothered anyone. He replied, no, but he was concerned about being hassled by the police because he felt he would attract their attention. I was going to suggest that he dispense with the faux fur bracelets he was wearing, but thought better of it.
The next Tuesday I took the MTR to Tsuen Wan, which is at the western end of the Red Line, primarily to see if there were any interesting markets to photograph (one of my hobbies).
Happily enough, I found the main market & some most unusual fish on display, but, as usual, nothing doing at the men's toilets. However, just a little further along the main road (at approx. 85 Tsuen Wan Market Street per Google Maps) I found a walled public garden, with large public washrooms on the street just before the entrance.
I went in - and was most interested to see the number of older men standing at the urinals. Figuring it might be worth joining them, I found myself a spot....and knew I had hit paydirt.
It reminded me of the washroom at Taganskaya Metro in Moscow. Lots of older (& seemingly otherwise straight) men hanging about discreetly, but for longer than might be considered necessary and (also discreetly) exposing themselves to interested men at the urinals on either side. I would have sucked off either the man to my right or to my left, but a man on his left got to him first & stroked him off while I watched. By that time the man on my right had departed.
I could have stayed longer, but felt that because I was the only Caucasian, a protracted stay might attract too much attention from the washroom attendant. So I departed & visited the park.
After photographing it to death, I decided to revisit the toilet. On entering, I offered a few coins to the attendant (sort of  "please look the other way" money), as he would undoubtedly have recognised me from a few minutes earlier. He very politely declined to take it, but, at that point, I knew he wouldn't bother me.
The man who had done the stroking off a while earlier was still there & I would have stayed to suck someone off, but it was getting late & I had arranged to have dinner (yet again) with HKG 2 - and so departed.
All that said, this toilet is definitely a find & I'd recommend a visit to anyone with a taste for uncut Cantonese cock.

For an update on action there, see my 7 March 2015 blog
Cocksucking at the Tseun Wan public toilet today.